Learning Library

Laughter Paired with Technology Takes Aim at Clinician Burnout

Benovate and Brave New Workshop Join Forces to help Healthcare Address Quadruple Aim Minneapolis, MN -- The Brave New Workshop (BNW) and Benovate have announced a year-long partnership to deliver scalable, human-centered experiences, which will help clinicians build...

Joy, Creativity & Community - Introducing Virtual Brave Tuesdays

Play, joy and community await you! Join our virtual learning cohort and learn how to move away from a mindset of fear using our proven methodology and approach – transformative laughter.

Looking Back at Events in 2019

2019 was a year full of innovation and learning – we are SO grateful to have had the opportunity to share transformative laughter with you all!

3 Things Great Leaders are Concerned with in 2020

Happy Holidays from the Brave New Workshop! As we enter into a new decade, I wanted to share some observations I’ve made in the past year while working with leaders of some of the best companies in the world.

Top 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Professional Emcee

Event professionals unanimously agree: hiring a professional emcee to host your event is worth the cost. Here are five reasons why:

Innovative Learning and Development Leader: Five Things to Know for Sure

Soft skills matter. They are what define the 21st century worker and will be all that’s left after the robots take over. An employee can produce only a certain amount of product without a proper handle on soft skills. For example, an innovator in the automotive world will have no luck marketing his or her product without prowess in public speaking. In the current industry climate, these types of skills are becoming increasingly essential. Companies do not simply want the work done; they want it done well. And until robots figure out how to lead a multi-faceted interactive speaking seminar, that’s up to us.

Building Bridges: Three Ways to Foster Cross-Cultural Communication

Though technology advancement has helped us achieve the possibility of communicating with each other, technology cannot fix the challenges we face when we interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. To hone our cross-cultural communication we have to learn to let go of some of our preconceived notions and judgments, and open our minds, so that we can truly hear, understand and connect with people who have different mental models, assumptions and behavioral expectations

Three Things to Know About Crowdfunding From MNovation Panelist Zach Robins

When you are starting a new business or venture, funding can come from many places. If you’re thinking of helping a venture get off of the ground by investing as part of a crowdfunding campaign, there are some key things to keep in mind.

Zach Robins, security attorney, co-founder of MNVest, and panelist at our upcoming MNovation conference recently sat down with us to go over three key things to know about crowdfunding and how it works.

Five Ways To Keep Going On That Goal or Project From Three MNovation Panelists Who Went the Distance

When there is a large project you need to tackle or goal to achieve, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and let it go. At our prior MNovation conference we had the honor of hearing from three people who had completed monumental tasks, whether it was building a charity from scratch (Jenni Lilledahl with Gilda’s Club Twin Cities), getting a stadium built (Bruce Lambrecht with Target Field), or finding a new way to tackle the aviation space (Pat Waddick of Cirrus Aircraft).

What can we learn from these three on being focused, driving results, and not burning out in the face of setbacks? Here are five key takeaways from their illuminating, inspiring panel at MNovation 3.0.

How to Get Unstuck with Margi Simmons

Feeling stuck?

In BNW’s Creative Outreach team, we get the question a lot (especially when we are doing a training) around being stuck - what do you do if you just can’t seem to get back on track?

When that happens, Directors of Applied Improvisation Margi Simmons has some ways that she works to get going again after a stall or setback.

Creative Outreach Summer Camp Cheers!

In BNW’s Creative Outreach team, sometimes we just need to get up, get moving, and get silly to get through whatever task is getting in our way for the day.

When that happens, Directors of Applied Improvisation Bobby Gardner and Margi Simmons like to do their “INNOVATE” cheer. Check it out above - we guarantee you’ll be cheering along before the end!

Trailmix: Five Inspirations to Get Started

It’s time for our monthly “trailmix,” a collection of interesting pieces of inspiration, thought leadership and innovative new ideas, and this month we’re focus on getting started when you are feeling stagnant. Beginning again can be harder than starting in the first place. It requires mustering up your original enthusiasm and overcoming the mental obstacles that caused you to stop in the first place. When you do begin, however, you’ll discover that the feeling of accomplishment you’ll get can be even bigger, and the passion you once had for a goal or project can be found…if you search within yourself long enough and simply “Jump In” again.
Enjoy our monthly list of articles, media and more to inspire you to buckle down and get started!

Our “Get Started” Playlist

It happens to the best of us. We start a project or a goal or an intention with energy and enthusiasm, and for whatever reason, things fade out. Enter stagnation. One of the hardest things to do is start again when you’ve been putting something off, or just lost that initial passion for it.

No matter how impossible it may seem, it is possible to start again, and to renew that fervor! You can do it, and you can do it today! You just need the right soundtrack to get yourself going.

With that in mind, we put together a playlist of songs to remind you to get back on that horse today! Start that couch to 5k again, dust off that home project that’s been sitting in your garage, or open that folder on your desktop you’ve been avoiding, and get going! Get your headphones out, hit play, and hear the songs that inspire us to “Get Started” every day!