About This Project

Ladyfriend for President: The Election - in the Brave New Workshop’s ETC Theatre

It’s election night! Mingle at the campaign headquarters and visit with our three presidential candidates and their campaign staffs. Participate in election activities, grab a drink at the bar, and enjoy snacks and cakes. Once you’ve made your decision, cast your ballot, and watch the results come in live from the CNBD studios. This final installment of Ladyfriend for President is an interactive improv adventure. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!

Ladyfriend is a three-human comedy group from Minneapolis featuring Becky Wilkinson Hauser, Beth K. Gibbs and Jen van Kaam.

Ladyfriend for President is a multimedia comedy production by Ladyfriend. Catch up on the Ladyfriend for President election cycle here!

Buy tickets online below, or by calling the Brave New Workshop box office at 612-332-6620.



Ladyfriend for President: The Election


Tuesday, May 24th - 7:00 PM


Brave New Workshop Experimental Thinking Centre (ETC)

ETC - Now Playing