Brave New Workshop

Welcome to the official Brave New Workshop Blog!   Basically, if it doesn’t have a place on one of the other areas of the website – photos, videos, news, gossip, and miscellaneous – it’ll end up here. Our blog: if the website was a kitchen, this would be the junk drawer. 

Improv class #5: Building Character and Being An Expert

In Week #5 of improv class, Rachel develops character(s) and shares her expertise on a few crazy subjects!

Improv Class #4: I Want I Need I Feel I Am

In Week #4, Rachel's Improv class does more work with declaration statements (a keystone of any improv scene), and performs a dramatic scene involving pizza.

Improv class #3: Selling Shop-Vacs and Other Games

This week’s theme, which was all about building on others’ ideas, saying “yes, and” (of course) but also really paying attention to what the other person is doing and making that action part of our idea too.

Improv class #2: There is no I in Team! But there is one in Improv. So, whatever…

For Class #2, the activities of the class were all based around the idea of working together and supporting one another within a scene or activity.
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