Brave New Workshop

Welcome to the official Brave New Workshop Blog!   Basically, if it doesn’t have a place on one of the other areas of the website – photos, videos, news, gossip, and miscellaneous – it’ll end up here. Our blog: if the website was a kitchen, this would be the junk drawer. 

Rave Reviews for "A Snowplow Named Desire"!

We opened "A Snowplow Named Desire: Love in Minnesota" last week, and we're seeing some great reviews already!

From the Star Tribune:
"they keep us laughing at the foibles and faux pas around love, relationships and sex"
Read the full review HERE.

From the Pioneer Press:
"["Snowplow"] features some of the most uproariously funny material the company has offered in recent seasons."
Read the full review HERE.

With reviews like these, tickets are selling quick. Buy yours now!

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