Late Night Improv is the all-improvised “third-act” of our mainstage sketch comedy shows. Unscripted, unpredictable, and always hilarious, it’s often the highlight of an evening at our theatre! The Brave New Workshop is one of a small group of theatres that pioneered the art of theatrical improv in North America, and our world-class performing company is still killing it every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.
Late Night Improv is FREE with admission to our mainstage show - or just $1 if you drop in for the improv set only (which you’re always welcome to do!).
Please note - Late Night Improv happens after the last show every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. On two-show nights, there’s no third act of improv after the early show. Cause then we’d have to call it “Early Night Improv”.