Brave New Workshop

There’s something funny going on at the Brave New Workshop…almost every day. Here’s the place to be if you want to find out about the next show, the latest creative idea, or whatever’s currently distracting us all from the work we really should be doing. Basically, if it doesn’t have a place on one of the other areas of the website – photos, videos, news, gossip, and miscellaneous – it’ll end up here. Our blog: if the website was a kitchen, this would be the junk drawer.

25 Latest Articles

That half-naked guy on TV sure looks familiar...

Yes, that is Brave New Workshop actor Josh Eakright in a recent Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union commercial.  Those of you who have seen J...

Sweeney onstage with the legendary Betty White!

Brave New Workshop owner John Sweeney got the amazing opportunity to interview legendary actress and comedienne Betty White in front of 1500 people as part of LaughFest, a fundraising event for the Grand Rapids chapter of Gilda's Club celebrating the chapter's 10-year anniversary.  How cool is that?!  Sweeney reports that she was every bit as wise, compassionate and hilarious as you might expect, and then some.

Celebrating Notness

Here's a little side project our own Mike Fotis has been working on.  Enjoy - or if you're feeling brave, share a notness moment of your own!

Brave New Workshop New Show

Sarah Palin's Minnesota; or Hindsight is 2011  ::  Running through June 25th

Join Sarah Palin at the Brave New Workshop as she reveals the last decade's many myths, facts and mysteries of Minnesota. Enjoy the best of the best sketches from the last decade as only Sarah can narrate -- fact, fiction or funny. As Sarah explores the land of 10,000 lakes, she will be joined by the many interesting characters this great state and its lakes have to offer. Reserve your tickets today!

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