Brave New Workshop

There’s something funny going on at the Brave New Workshop…almost every day. Here’s the place to be if you want to find out about the next show, the latest creative idea, or whatever’s currently distracting us all from the work we really should be doing. Basically, if it doesn’t have a place on one of the other areas of the website – photos, videos, news, gossip, and miscellaneous – it’ll end up here. Our blog: if the website was a kitchen, this would be the junk drawer.

25 Latest Articles

Lauren Anderson extends her fabulousness to the world of children's literature!

Lauren Anderson extends her fabulousness to the world of children's literature!Congratulations to BNW performing company member Lauren Anderson on the publication of her first children's book!  Spaghetti Head Ned is now available for purchase online at, or you can learn more through the publisher's site, Orange Hat Publishing.  According to Lauren, Spaghetti Head Ned, which she wrote and illustrated, is about turning an accident into something positive and beneficial, and making strong choices that can change your life- or at least your day.  Sounds very impov-esque, no?   Lauren's understandably excited about this: "Since I was a teenager, I have carried many dreams with me. Two in particular stand out today however, because they came true!!  The first was when I was asked to perform at the Brave New Workshop, and the second was publishing this book!!"  Lauren, you rock!

BNW alum Shanan Custer on the choices artists make about their work

Frequent BNW performer Shanan Custer (last seen here in 2004's "Electile Dysfunction") has an article in the online magazine Minnesota Playlist that's been generating lots of attention.  It's about the choices theatre artists make about the types of work they take on... and how those choices are perceived... and why.  Check it out for a fun and interesting read. 

Improv and Sales Training - featured in Sunday's Star Tribune!

Here's an article from the Minneapolis Star Tribune's Sunday Business section about how Major League Soccer's been using improv training to build...

Josh Eakright is a new dad!

Josh Eakright is a new dad!Congratulations to BNW performer Josh Eakright and his wife, Alicia as they welcomed their daughter Bee Abigail Eakright into the world on Monday, May 2nd at 2:44am.  She weighed in at 7lbs 2oz. Bee and Alicia are doing great. Josh stated "My daughter is beautiful and my wife is bad ass." And that pretty much sums it up!
Congrats Josh and Alicia, and welcome to the family Bee.
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