Since 1958 we’ve been performing and teaching improvisation and sketch comedy and in our long history we keep coming back to the same base principles which are time-tested. Our founder, Dudley Riggs, is considered one of the originators of the performance art form of improvisation in the United States.

The BNW Student Union is a place for people of all walks of life to experience the joys of improvisation. It is not just a school, but a hub for students to come together and bond over a shared love of instant theater. Whether you're interested in performing improv on a stage, getting in tune with your creative and innovative side, learning some tricks to improve your public speaking, developing better communication skills, or just finding a new hobby, the Student Union is ready for you. 

The Student Union is a non-profit organization that provides education, outreach and performance opportunities for anyone interested in improvisational and comedic acting, writing, and directing, or anyone who wants to use the specific tools of improvisation to improve their life. All Student Union programs are funded by a combination of class fees and contributions.



There are many things that set the Student Union apart from other improv schools
around the country. From our experienced and caring teachers to our wide array of
class offerings, the SU creates a totally safe and supportive "creative gymnasium" for all
of our students!

Whether you're an actor or just trying something new, you will find that the BNW SU is
an exceptional place to learn improv because of the students, the instructors, the history
and everyone's undeniable commitment to saying 'yes.' Our training takes a long form,
"scenic" approach to improvisation -- our goal is not to make you a "funny person," but
instead to help you become a truthful and passionate improviser and artist.

At the BNW Student Union, we firmly believe that anyone and everyone can improvise.
That's why we offer classes to as broad a range of people as possible. Whether you're an
adult trying to hone your communication skills or a high schooler looking to meet
new people, the SU is sure to be a perfect fit.

We do have a limited internship and scholarship program available to allow people to take our classes when they can't otherwise afford the tuition. Students must be approved for this program. To learn more about the program and to request an application, please
contact Joe Bozic at

Every adult, regardless of one's age, theater experience or desire to perform on stage, should experience at least one improv class. The two-track curriculum (Everyday Improv for non-performers or Performance Track for those aspiring to be on stage) offers something for everybody.
-Bernie Armada - BNW SU Alum and Associate Professor @ University of St. Thomas

The SU offers many student performance opportunities, including Friday Night Stage Match, The Month in Review Revue, and end of session showcases for our Performance class students!

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