Be Brave—Donate to Improv for Good

The BNW Student Union is a non-profit organization with a mission to use improv for good. While some of our programming is supported via class fees, our outreach work requires the support of generous donors. Most of the funds raised via donations support our Peggy McCalla Improv for Good fund, a source for granting student scholarships and backing community outreach initiatives. Its mission is to bring the life changing joy, mindset and tools of improvisation to everyone — especially those who may not normally have access to this amazing practice.

We named the fund in McCalla’s honor because she exemplifies the spirit of joining in and serving others. In fact, McCalla has donated over 2,000 hours in the past 10 years to BNW. Her contributions continue to make an impact today. “To me, the scholarship means people will learn improv techniques that will benefit them personally, then share these methods for others’ growth and enjoyment. ‘Yes, and’ has broader applications . . . It is a great life lesson!”, said McCalla.

The scholarship fund supports life changing initiatives like these:

Improvisation classes and experiences for adults with learning and developmental disabilities (through our partnership with TSE, Inc.)

Improv for Life weekly class for people living with cancer (through our partnership with Gilda's Club Twin Cities)

Improv for Life programs for youth and teens (including our partnerships with Anoka County Mental Health, Bengal Bystanders, and others)

Scholarships for youth to participate in our ongoing camps and youth programs

Improv for Life and Improv for Good outreach learning experiences in schools and communities around Minnesota

The BNW SU and the Peggy McCalla Improv for Good fund is sustained by donations from brave individuals and organizations, innovative partnerships and the generosity of our alumni and the community. We have a growing list of new initiatives and partnerships (from young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder to youth transitioning from homelessness) that are waiting for support from this scholarship fund. Please consider giving a gift today . . . with your help more people young and old will find the confidence that comes from practicing Improv for Life at the BNW SU.

You can give to the Peggy McCalla Improv for Good fund on our GiveMN site at: Or mail a check or credit card donation to: BNW Student Union, attention President, 824 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403 (make payable to Brave New Institute)

If you are an individual student and would like to apply for a scholarship, please contact us at 651-300-6281 or email

If you are an organization looking to partner for an Improv for Good initiative, please contact BNW SU President Jenni Lilledahl at