The Intern Diaries
Improv is a special art form that allows self-doubt and anxiety to become a motivation rather than a detriment. Once you get over the hurdle of self-conscious behavior, the world becomes much easier to navigate....
Improv is a special art form that allows self-doubt and anxiety to become a motivation rather than a detriment. Once you get over the hurdle of self-conscious behavior, the world becomes much easier to navigate....
Improv training though the Student Union prepares kids to be more thoughtful and compassionate adults. These experiences teach students connection to other humans and in this world that is so very valuable. ...
Even as a young kid I was amazed by the sense of community I felt upon starting improv with the Brave New Workshop Student Union....
The program here at the BNW SU does a great job of promoting positivity, acceptance, and laughter. Laughter is universal. If you can make people laugh and feel comfortable here, you can take that anywhere....
The positivity and openness of improv just makes you feel good about yourself, and the people you meet through improv are just fun to be around....
Improv brings out my inner child and my imagination gets to run free for a change. It is a lot of fun getting to play and laugh!...
Improv is a safe place where I am allowed to grow and joke without any judgement. I recommend improv to anyone who is looking to be the best version of themselves....
Improv challenges your limits in more than one sense. It allows you to be open to new ideas in your everyday life, to be brave enough to jump into situations that you would not have previously, and to showcase your strengths that you might not even have been aware you had....
There’s really nothing else like improv – it forces you to be real and authentic on a level that simply extends to other aspects of your life. ...
Improv makes living with cancer more bearable. I was diagnosed five years ago, and it has been such a blessing to have time for laughter without sickness crossing my mind. ...