Judy Finds Joy with Improv at Gilda’s Club
Improv makes living with cancer more bearable. I was diagnosed five years ago, and it has been such a blessing to have time for laughter without sickness crossing my mind. ...
Improv makes living with cancer more bearable. I was diagnosed five years ago, and it has been such a blessing to have time for laughter without sickness crossing my mind. ...
Given the serious state of the world, I think that anyone can benefit from the two hours of fun improv provides each week....
Given the serious state of the world, I think that anyone can benefit from the two hours of fun improv provides each week....
It comes down to the “Yes, and” – the willingness to build, and the eagerness to plus your life rather than minus your life....
It’s a truism – we know that there is a line, an invisible threshold that we cross when we’ve become consumed by work and lost our sense of play. And most of us agree this is not a healthy place to find yourself....
Improv allows you to really start to look at people, laugh with them, release stress and bring joy back into your life....
Remember that 99% of the time the anticipatory anxiety is more nerve-wrecking than the actual step!...
I am now able stay present and relish the uncertainty in life....
By sharing your true self your heart is courageous and brave. At the BNW SU we call this bravery of vulnerability. It’s an elective life course and improvisation is a fun, supportive, undeniable way to practice sharing your voice, eventually feeling more and more comfortable doing so....
Once you bypass the fear, improv will empower you unlike anything else in your life....