Brave New Workshop
SKU: SU-Soft-Skills-July
Continue exploring improvisation to keep you sharp outside the theater.
Completion of Everyday 1 and 2 is recommended.
Thursdays from 7:30-9:30pm starting July 11th.
Price:   $150.00  

The Everyday Improv Soft Skills class is a 6 week course that will give you an opportunity to continue exploring improv with the goal of sharpening skills you might use at your job or in your day-to-day life.
This is a perfect class for folks who aren't really interested the performance aspect of improv but want to use improv to improve their communication, creativity, and team work abilities.
This class runs for 6 weeks.
All BNW Student Union classes are held at 2605 Hennepin Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55408

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