Brave New Workshop

The Everyday Improv classes are designed to ease you into the world of improvisations by finding connections between in-class exercises and real world outside the classroom. The Everyday Improv track is broken up into four 8-week long levels. We believe that improvisation is a creative process that demands an open mind, a supportive atmosphere and a commitment to “acceptance of ideas.” To ensure success for each of our students, we create a playful environment and a ‘creative gymnasium’ that is totally safe and supportive for everyone that attends our classes.

Everyday Level 1

The Brave New Institute's Everyday Improv track is designed for people who may have little or no theater or improvisation experience. Our students take these classes for a variety of reasons, including: to get in touch with their creative side, to become more comfortable talking in front of others, to learn a new hobby, or just to get out of the house and make new friends. Throughout the Everyday Improv Level I, we teach our students how to say, "yes and!" through a number of improv exercises that introduce the building blocks of improvisation and scene work. We also will discover connections between improv scenes and day-to-day life in creatively safe environment. Register today!

Everyday Level 2

You've come a long way Skywalker, but your improv journey has only just begun...Having covered the basics of improvisation in level 1, level 2 puts those skills to the test by exploring improvised scene work. From character discovery to the heightening of the scene, you'll spend eight weeks diving into long-form improvisation. 

Everyday Level 3

Level 3 continues to focus on long-form scene work and you'll also be introduced to  the montage, which is the hallmark structure of long-form improvisation. You'll be introduced to different types of scenes, different edits, and more!

Everyday Level 4

This final Everyday Improv level builds upon everything learned up to this point by introducing different long-form structures. You'll find that the games and exercises that you learned in level 1, the foundations of good scene work laid in level 2, and the skills learned from the montage work in level 3 will all be put to use as you find new ways to create an improvised world.
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