Brave New Workshop

Whether you're looking to learn improv for performance, for your work, or as a new hobby, the Student Union has classes for you.

Our adult classes are broken up into three tracks: Everyday Improv for those new to the world of improvisation, Performance Track for a more critical approach to the artform, and Graduate Classes for performers looking to sharpen their skills.  Are you a...?

...a beginner looking to discover improv for the first time or someone who is needing a safe place to play and be creative? 

Everyday Improv is for you!

...someone who already has improv/acting training and experience and is looking to increase their skills with opportunity to perform in front of a live audience?

The Classic Performance Track is for you!

...someone who has prior improv training and is looking to continue their improvisational training?

The Graduate Series is for you!


Everyday ImprovEveryday Improvisation

The Everyday Improv track is designed for people who may have little or no theater or improvisation experience. Our students take these classes for a variety of reasons, including: to get in touch with their creative side, to become more comfortable talking in front of others, to learn a new hobby, or just to get out of the house and make new friends. Throughout the Everyday Improv track, we take our students through a number of improv exercises that introduce various improv tenets in a creatively safe environment. We also will discover connections between improv scenes and day-to-day life.

Performance TrackPerformance Track

If you are someone who already has improv/acting training and experience and is looking to increase their skills with opportunity to perform in front of a live audience then the Performance Track is for you.
The Performance track is a more intensive series of classes designed to get you on stage and challenge you as an improviser. Taught by our Masters Level instructors - you will get instruction from people that perform regularly on the BNW stage or other stages around town, and have years of experience teaching improvisation. You must audition for this track.

Graduate Improv ClassGraduate Classes

These classes will vary on topics, from finding the game in the scene to making bolder character choices to musical improv. Special structure-based sessions will also be available! Learn how to perform a Movie, a Deconstruction, or make your own structure!

Past Graduate Series classes include: Finding the Game, Musical Improv, Action Movie (with stage combat training), and Breaking Habits (with Lauren Anderson).

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