“I am writing to tell you how thrilled we
were with the Brave New Workshop performance last week at our annual
World Wide Human Resources Leadership Conference.
The response has been off the charts. Everybody loved it and filling the auditorium
with laughter was the perfect way to cap off a successful conference. Your performance
was an absolute highlight of our week and this was reflected in the surveys we
received from the attendees. On a 5 point scale, you were rated as a 4.8. Just
We greatly enjoyed working with you throughout the creative process and could
not be happier with the end product. We were all amazed by your ability to accurately
customize the performance, given the information we provided to you. Thank you
for your understanding of our need to have control and input throughout the creative
development. It was a new experience for us and certainly well worth our investment
in your collective."
Gorringe, Leadership Development Director