2003-2004 Season Tickets

Why buy season tickets to the nation's OLDEST satirical comedy theater?

Your support will keep this scrappy theater alive for another 45 years! The non-profit BNW does not accept or apply for government or private grant money. Our theater is supported by ticket revenue (which doesn't even cover a third of our costs), private donations, and the sale of customized entertainment and training to bigwig corporations.

Save heaps of money - these are super freakin' hairy awesome deals. Save anywhere from $20 to $55!

Enjoy complete reservation flexibility - if you're loosey goosey, you can change reservations whenever you want. Or if you're a type-A planner, lock down your dates now for the whole year! All of these fabulous packages allow you to choose to come any night or time we have a show.

Closing night shows are FREE - All season ticket holders are invited to attend the last performance of every production FOR FREE. So you actually get to see every Minneapolis production TWICE if you want! (And the best part is that you can party hardy with the cast and crew afterwards - it's a kegger!)

Minneapolis BNW
2003-2004 Season
Fall 2003 show - Oct. 3 thru Nov. 15
Holiday 2003 show -
Nov.26 thru Jan. 10
Winter 2004 show -
Jan '04 thru March?
Spring 2004 show -
March? thru June '04

St. Paul BNW
2003-2004 Production
Minnesota! It's Not Just for Lutherans Anymore...
Opening Sept. 5th, 2003

*Projected Mpls ticket prices for '03-'04:
$19-$29 depending on night and show
*Projected St. Paul ticket prices for '03-04:
$44-$59 depending on night or time of year.

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BNW Ticket Delivery and Refund Policies

The Packages:

Hampster-Hotdish Pass
The whole Mpls season PLUS our hilarious new dinner show Minnesota-It's Not Just for Lutherans Anymore! which opens in St. Paul this Fall! Only $99 and you're in like flynn.
(Save up to $45!)

The whole Mpls season, any nights you choose, for only $75
(Save up to $20 !)

Flex-Baby-Flex Pass
A six-pack of tix to use in any combination, on any nights, at any shows on our Minneapolis stage for Only $119 (Save up to $55!)

Starving Student Special
Come see our Mpls season for only $39. (Save up to $20!) Valid for 10 pm Saturday showtimes only, must have current student ID.