To become one of the BNW, all you need to do is fill out the form below, scream BNW is my life to the nearest passerby, and sit back and enjoy being part of our chaos and hope. Our members program is still in development stages with full scale launch expected in Fall 2002. Or you can email your reasons for not wanting to fill out this form to

Today's Date
First Name Last Name
Address City
State Zip
Phone (day) Phone (evening)
Email Date of birth
Year, if you like

Have you ever attended a show before? If so, please list which ones
(We'd like to acknowledge our greatest supporters...)

How long have you been attending BNW shows?

How did you hear about the BNW?
Please select all that apply by holding down the control or shift key

What type of information would you like from the BNW?
Please select all that apply by holding down the control or shift key


What would you like your USER NAME to be? (not more than 10 characters)

What would you like your PASSWORD to be? (not more than 10 characters)

You will be receiving an email as soon as we can crank it out which will tell you how to get in like flynn to all the groovy pages! (This usually only takes 48 hours...)

If you don't get a page that says "Thanks for submitting yada yada..." after you hit the button below, well, that means the form crashed or your computer kicked you out or some fun thing. You can either try again or just email us directly at




Your info is PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL. We don't share with anyone.