The Inside Skivvy...
Stewart, Prison Vixen!
or, It's a Good Thing
Minn, January 2, 2003.--- The Brave New Workshop (BNW) Theatre,
founded by Dudley Riggs in 1958, is sewing up a 242nd Mainstage
satire, Martha Stewart, Prison Vixen…or, It's a Good Thing,
a hilarious send-up of our collective American self-image.
show will be written and performed by the well-seasoned duo of veteran
BNW director and actor Caleb McEwen, and the fabulous Matthew Craig,
returning from Second City in Chicago for this production only!
and Craig started working at the Brave New Workshop together in
1998, as part of the Workshop's improvisational comedy team aboard
Disney Cruise Lines. After six months at sea, performing 28 shows
per week (!), the two naturally developed a strong onstage and offstage
rapport. The pair also performed together in several BNW Mainstage
shows before Craig was lured to Chicago's Second City, of SCTV infamy.
"I'm really thrilled to be back at the Brave New Workshop," explains
Craig, "This theater takes so many risks, and everything is constantly
changing. It's really exciting to be back in an environment where
I get to write so much material. There's nowhere else that is so
writing-intensive." (A note of local pride: the Brave New Workshop
has written 242 productions in 45 years, while nationally-known
Second City has written just 45 in as many years!).
and Craig are polar opposites when it comes to characterization
and writing. McEwen likes to challenge the audience with situations
that are funny but also thought-provoking and uncomfortable. Craig,
on the other hand, likes to create outrageous characters that wantonly
leap from absurdity to reality and back again.
unusual mix seems to provoke them each to higher levels of creativity…and
since Craig is currently living at McEwen's house, their goofy brainstorming
goes on from sun-up to well after sundown. "They hang around the
living room in their grungy sweats all day, typing like mad and
yammering back and forth really loudly about their sketch ideas,"
says McEwen's wife Katy McEwen, who is also a talented writer and
a longtime veteran of the Brave New Workshop Mainstage. "Now that
they (McEwen and Craig) are finally writing a show together, they're
going to fill it with four years' worth of pent-up nuttiness."
on to your tea cozies!