Be Brave - Weekly Livestream Series
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Episode 4 - How to Create The Structure You Crave When Facing Change
Has change turned your world upside down?
Has a life transition left you feeling a little rudderless?
Has a curve ball left you feeling lost and unsure where to turn?
If so, I want you to know that it is perfectly natural and normal.
It happens to us all. In fact, the one constant in life is change.
You may not be able to avoid change or control the outcomes, but you can take proactive steps to create structure in your life, which will support you during any transition.
This self-created structure not only adds predictability and positivity into your day, but it also sharpens your tools of resilience AND creativity.
In Episode 4 of the Be Brave – Weekly Livestream Series, we will share three simple steps you can take to create structure in your life instantly.
These are things you can do EVEN if you are in the middle of dramatic change.
They don’t cost any money, don’t require any special skills, and the simple act of doing these three things will remind you that you are in command of your life.
Be Brave - Weekly Livestream Series
Whether you are navigating your path through a significant period of change, looking to take that next big step in your career, want to rekindle your inner spark, or build deeper more fulfilling relationships at home and in work, Be Brave - Weekly Livestream is for you.
The Be Brave Team have helped thousands of people overcome those pesky mindset issues that sometimes hold us back and open up an entirely new world of fun, creativity, connection and possibility.
With our Be Brave Weekly Livestream Series, we will share over 25 years of experience inspiring people to become their very “best selves”.
Join our Be Brave Weekly Facebook Community to be notified whenever we go live with our latest content.