The Sun Makes You Sweat and Devastates Your Skin,
So Savor Safe Summer Fun at Flanagan's Wake
Minn, June 5, 2002.---
The Brave New Workshop Comedy Theatre is burning to announce a veritable
Irish buffet of summer fun at Flanagan's Wake, the hilarious
interactive comedy dinner theatre in downtown St. Paul. Because the
Irish are well known as a people who simply don't tan, Flanagan's
Wake and the citizens of Grapplin, County Sligo, want to ensure
that the residents of their sister city St. Paul have plenty of indoor
alternatives to the usual summer activities. In fact, conscious of
the vast number of Minnesotans hoping to avoid the effects of the
sun for the next twelve weeks, the kind citizens of Grapplin are offering:
- AN
In a true first, Flanagan's Wake and the Brave New Workshop
are offering the opportunity to be a guest at your own wake. Every
person who places a reservation to the show between June 10 and August
18, 2002, will be entered into a drawing to WIN A WAKE. The
staff, cast, and crew of Flanagan's Wake will host a free, personal
wake at the Palace Theatre for any person (living or dead!) chosen
by the lucky winner. The wake will include a free meal and a customized
performance for up to 100 guests invited by the winner. This is a
once in a lifetime chance to attend your own funeral with 100 of your
closest friends or to show a loved one just exactly how you'd lay
them to rest before the time actually comes.
Beginning June 14, 2002, ticket holders for a Friday night performance
of Flanagan's Wake get their first beer (or glass of wine)
for a penny. In accordance with Irish tradition, the pennies will
be put on Flanagan's coffin so that he can pay the ferry man to reach
the other side! The beer or wine will remain in, or on, your own person
at all times.
Selected Saturday nights from June 15 to August 10, 2002, Scoil na
d'Tri School of Irish Dance will be offering free lessons in traditional
Irish dancing after the show. Beginners are welcome, the bar will
be open, and information on Irish dance and music events will be available.
<information added 6/17/02>
Lessons will take place after these Saturday shows: June 29, July
13, July 27, and August 3. All lessons will last approximately
30 minutes and will be beginner-friendly!
Wake show schedule for Summer 2002 is Thursdays, Fridays, and
Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. All performances include an authentic Irish
dinner and take place at the historic Palace Theatre, 17 West 7th
Place, in downtown St. Paul. For more information and to reserve tickets,
contact the Brave New Workshop, founded by Dudley Riggs in 1958, at
612-332-6620 or visit us online at
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