The Brave New Workshop Presents
"Faith: The Final Frontier, or Kicked in the Testaments"
Minneapolis, Minn, August 8, 2002.---
In fulfillment of the comedic prophesies, the Brave New Workshop
(BNW) Comedy Theatre founded by Dudley Riggs in 1958, heralds
it's 240th comedy revue, Faith: The Final Frontier, or Kicked
in the Testaments. The show will preview August 29, open September
5, and close November 16, 2002.
The Final Frontier, or Kicked in the Testaments takes a hilariously
profound look at our nation's suddenly strained relationship with
religions of all shapes and higher powers. Questions flow faster
than water, like how does a nation react to a time when faith
is in such short supply? Is there one true religion or six? Does
anyone really understand the method behind the Methodist? The
Brave New Workshop proves that faith is never as maddening as
the faithful.
and performing Faith: The Final Frontier are interstellar
soul seekers Dan Hetzel, Nick Knudson, Katy McEwen, Tim Uren and
Shanan Wexler. Caleb McEwen is once again directing and Peter
Guertin will lead the choir. Directing the tech is Andy Brynildson.
to be forgotten in this glorious romp is the human need to congregate
with similar believers. To that end, the BNW is also christening
a new members program that
includes a never-before offered season ticket package, special
promotions, insider information, access to a members web site
and a seal on the forehead. More rhetoric on the members program
is available at the BNW web site.
times for Faith: The Final Frontier, or Kicked in the Testaments
are Thursdays and Fridays at 8 p.m., and Saturdays at 7:30 and
10 p.m. Ticket prices are $19 on Thursday, $19 on Friday, $24
at 7:30 p.m. and $19 at 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Call (612) 332-6620
for reservations or visit us online at www.bravenewworkshop.com.
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