Brave New Workshop

Evanta CIO Executive Summits

They Needed a Keynote Speaker

Evanta’s Executive Leadership Network events, specifically the CIO Executive Summits, take place in a variety of cities and regions throughout the year, bringing together IT experts and business leaders to share best practices and insights. The organization is well-run, exclusive, and provides invaluable information “by CIOs, for CIOs”.

We Delivered a New Perspective

The Brave New Workshop Creative Outreach shared messages that resonated across industries and managed to impress the tough-to-impress audience with a fresh take on innovation. We didn’t talk to them about new technology, fancy infrastructure or upgrading to the latest “series of tubes and wires.” Instead, Sweeney talked about improvisation and in turn provided a truly unique perspective on innovation to CIOs whose innovation matrix is often limited to the adoption of cutting-edge technology. The summits determine future speakers by getting feedback from event participants. Thanks to their positive feedback, Sweeney continues to speak at six to eight CIO events each year.


“John has delivered in every event he has been involved in with our organization. Comments like AWESOME, and Totally unexpected, can't wait to bring his techniques back to my organization are common remarks from the audience members. All the members of the Brave New Workshop make you feel a part of their family. So, If you are considering John as a speaker for you organization, you need to make him the MUST HAVE Speaker/Facilitator for your event."

- Franklin Kessler, Director, CIO/CISO Executive Summits, Evanta

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