Brave New Workshop
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Elena Imaretska - Vice President, Client Services

Elena Imaretska is the link between the Brave New Workshop and our clients. As an international business MBA turned improviser, performer and new product developer, she is uniquely qualified to take what she learns from our clients and put it to use developing new and better service offerings for our clients.

Prior to joining the Brave New Workshop, Elena was raised in Bulgaria, studied in Germany, worked in Japan and received a BA degree at Colorado College, CO and an MBA from Arizona’s Thunderbird School of Global Management. It’s fair to say, she’s been through the ringer on three continents and recognizes the value of new ideas, diversity and different points of view can bring to a company.

As a passionate proponent of idea fusion, Elena is a perfect fit in an environment where the art of improvisation is a vehicle to achieve business success.

Elena’s other passion is promoting and designing sustainable business practices, which take into account people, profit and planet all at once. And she’s not one to sit around and wait for something to happen, so she started up the Brave New Citizens Initiative, designed to examine, benchmark and improve our organization’s overall impact, all while forging alliances and driving change in our industry.

Thank you so much for coming to Carlson and for presenting to our NAWMBA chapter. It was such an amazing event and we really appreciated the opportunity to explore our creative confidence.I would definitely recommend BNW's women-focused programs to other organizations.

- Leslie Olson
President of the Carlson Chapter of the National Association of Women MBAs

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