Now in our 58th year of crafting audacious, hilarious, and thought-provoking original comedy, improv and satire in Minneapolis, the Brave New Workshop (BNW) Comedy Theatre is a Twin Cities comedy institution, and a truly unique place to laugh, learn, think, and play. The BNW has been writing, performing and producing original sketch comedy, music and comedy improvisation longer than any other theatre in the United States.
The Student Union is the Brave New Workshop's improvisation school offering classes in improv, music and acting. Our primary goal in all of our workshops and classes is to offer a safe and effective environment for creative growth and learning.
The Experimental Thinking Centre (ETC) was designed with flexibility, quality, and innovation in mind. In the spirit of improvisation and the Brave New Workshop, the ETC is a sophisticated canvas for your vision. Able to accommodate a variety of configurations and events, the venue is inviting, state-of-the-art, and conveniently located in vibrant downtown Minneapolis. And heck, there's the nation's longest-running comedy theatre upstairs!