Brave New Workshop

We do what we do for one very simple, succinct reason: We absolutely believe that the infusion of laughter and the sharing of improvisational skills can increase learning, innovation, leadership, creativity and productivity.



How do we do it, you ask?

We Build Customized Solutions

On the Brave New Workshop mainstage, we have to work as a team to give our audience the best possible product. So it only makes sense we’d use a similar, consultative approach to all the speeches, entertainment and training the Brave New Workshop offers. To ensure that our work bridges the art of improvisation to business, we start with a very thorough investigation and understanding of our clients’ industry, business, culture and current obstacles. We have company representatives answer a detailed questionnaire and take part in several interviews before we start work on the actual speaking or training event. Then, based on what we’ve learned, we use humor to deliver a memorable, customized experience that addresses your specific goals and needs.

We Promote Creative Safety

Everyone needs to have a safe place to work. Not just physically, but mentally too. In improvisation, scene participants need to accept and encourage the people they share the stage with. They need to create a scene setting where everyone feels they (and their contributions) are safe. Without that feeling of safety, no one contributes and the scene stops. By opening ourselves up to other people’s ideas and contributions, we manage to ensure a creatively safe environment. An atmosphere where everyone wants to get on board and share the excitement. In turn, every participant is motivated to keep an open mind and maintain a high level of engagement in the moment, throughout the session, and for months to come.

We Transform Behaviors

We can't push away an idea in improvisation. If we do the scene stops. Abruptly. As improvisers, we accept every point of view and suggestion we get with two words: "yes, and." With those two words, we start to see other people's point of view as a gift and we naturally deal with them in a more positive way. We don't judge the gift. We just appreciate that it was given. When we do that and leave our judgments behind, we create an environment where everyone feels like they've been listened to and valued. We don't have to implement every idea. We just have to accept it. Doing this consistently we naturally transform people's behavior from one that's closed and judgmental to one that's more open and encouraging. In the process, we help people feel accepted, empowered and rewarded for sharing their best efforts with the team. Without sounding too hippy-love-fest-ish, we create a situation where everyone wins.

We Stick to What We Know

As improvisers, when we’re up on the Brave New Workshop mainstage, we start out without a thing at our disposal. No tools. No pencils. No paper. All we have is ourselves. But we have to move forward—even though we have absolutely no idea where we’re supposed to go or what we’re supposed to do. Sound familiar? Every day in business people are faced with that same kind of problem. They’re supposed to solve the latest problem that’s appeared or come up with the next big thing. Using the Brave New Workshop’s improvisational techniques, we show businesses how they can add improvisation to their skill set and use it to increase innovation, teamwork, productivity and, most importantly, job satisfaction and employee morale.

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