Brave New Workshop
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Videos of Caleb

Caleb McEwen - Artistic Director, Brave New Workshop

Caleb McEwen is a writer, keynote speaker, trainer, master of ceremonies, knife thrower, juggler and dancer. Yes, we did say knife thrower. Caleb is also one of the most experienced improvisation performers in the country. Since joining the Brave New Workshop, Caleb has written, directed, produced, and performed in more events than any other Brave New Workshop performer. And Yes, he literally threw knives around the top corporate executives from some of the most influential corporate environments in the world. Yes, as in, thud, thud, thud, thud, knives flying through the air and sticking in a board next to their head.

Can we get back to Caleb’s bio now? Drawing on his vast experience as an improviser, speaker, writer, and director, Caleb is a sought after humorous emcee and entertainer. In addition to the US, Caleb has performed in Japan, Croatia, Italy, Greece, Malta, Canada, The Bahamas and out on the open sea with Disney Cruise Lines. He has been on stage with presidents, senators and former heads of the CIA and emceed events with everyone from LL Cool J to Randy Travis. He also throws knives so they slice a cucumber that’s resting on top of someone’s arm cleanly in half. Caleb has been key to the success of business events for US Bancorp, Hewlett Packard, Toronto Blue Jays, General Mills, Hampton Inn and many, many others. Oh, did we mention that he can throw a mean axe, too?

When he’s not working for the Brave New Workshop, Caleb McEwen teams up with the Danger Committee, an incredible three-man act that combines knife throwing, juggling and spine tingling thrills with hilarious and dangerously funny comedy

We've been doing this project for years, but this truly was the most engaged our audience has been and I fully attribute it to Caleb's MC'ing and his colleagues’ terrific improvisational skills.

- Glenn Miller, Hoffman Communications

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