The BNW warmly invites all women to attend our Speed of Laughter Seminars, featuring opportunities to practice key improvisational behaviors and techniques to help dramatically improve presentation delivery, comfort with generating and communicating your ideas and using your authentic voice to influence others and gain support. Attendees reported increased confidence, ability to use humor and enthusiasm to share their ideas after attending the seminar. Session leader is speaker, trainer and BNW alumna Margi Simmons, our very own rising star in the world of speaking and training. Joining Margi are BNW owner Jenni Lilledahl, comedy theatre performers Katy McEwen and Lauren Anderson, and BNW’s VP of Sustainability Elena Imaretska.
What are the Speed of Laughter Seminars?
That’s a great question! Here’s a few more: Have you ever stopped yourself from sharing an idea in a meeting? Doubted your ability to present to and influence a group of people? Felt at a loss for words or battled unhealthy perfectionism? Then our laughter-driven, on-your-feet Speed of Laughter Seminars are perfect for you! Our skilled facilitators will introduce you to ways to capitalize on your natural style, reframe obstacles into opportunities, and overcome fears to achieve results. For more information contact
Sounds Fabulous! When Is Your Next Seminar?
We are joining forces with Dale Carnegie MN to present "Sifting from Words to Action: Four Catalysts for Women's Leadership Growth"
It's a two part series on March 17th and April 28th, 2015. You can attend either or both seminars. More information here:
If you have any questions about the seminar or Brave New Workshop’s Programs for Women, please email Elena Imaretska, VP of New Products at
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