Brave New Workshop

The Brave New Workshop will never be a place that sits still. That’s the nature of improvisation. Our brains are always working. Thinking about the next show, the next presentation or the next big thing. And as you can imagine, that means we’re always coming up with new stuff. Good stuff. Funny stuff. And that’s what you’ll find here: improvisation videos, photos, news and miscellaneous stuff—like a bust of John Sweeney made out of real cheese. Which we probably should have kept in a refrigerator…
25 Latest Articles

Look Out Canada, Here Comes Sweeney

Sweeney is slated to speak at the upcoming Creative Leadership Conference sponsored by the Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI) and the four Ottawa School Boards in November. We think this is going to be a great event and according to OCRI blogs so do they...

A Creativity Recipe from Stephen Hawking

While the way creativity works has been clear for centuries, it always helps to have someone as revered as Stephen Hawking weigh in. “The recipe is simple,” he told an admiring crowd at Canada’s prestigious Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, “Put willing people together in an inspiring and creative intellectual environment where they are encouraged to pursue ambitious and timely research.” (as included on IdeaConnection)



Newsweek: The Creativity Crisis

Recently read the following article in Newsweek about American creativity on the decline and was delighted to see it discusses how an improvisational mindset (in music for this research), specifically applies to increased creativity. Could not agree more! Some great examples and research surrounding creativity in children and adults. To read the full article, go to:

TEDGlobal 2010: Matt Ridley

Matt Ridley's presentation at the recent TEDGlobal 2010 conference, in which he demonstrates how, throughout history, the engine of human progress has been the meeting and mating of ideas to make new ideas.


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