Brave New Workshop

The Brave New Workshop will never be a place that sits still. That’s the nature of improvisation. Our brains are always working. Thinking about the next show, the next presentation or the next big thing. And as you can imagine, that means we’re always coming up with new stuff. Good stuff. Funny stuff. And that’s what you’ll find here: improvisation videos, photos, news and miscellaneous stuff—like a bust of John Sweeney made out of real cheese. Which we probably should have kept in a refrigerator…
25 Latest Articles

This is an award winning website

WMA TrophyGuess what? According to the Web Marketing Association,  the Brave New Workshop Creative Outreach website is award-winning!

No link because, hey, you're already here to enjoy it but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to post a trophy.

MLS Savvy Sales

What's with these soccer guys? Oh, that's right, they know how to get it done...

BNET article featuring Sweeney and the BNW

Special thanks to Peter McDougall for his article, "Surviving the Recession: An Improv Theater Follows Its Own Advice" published on BNET yesterday. The interview with Brave New Workshop owner John Sweeney and subsequent article explores how the improv philosophy of making it up as you go along has helped to keep the BNW growing.

Name Dudley's Show Contest! Enter by August 30

Hey, how about this funtastical contest from our friends at the History Theatre promoting the upcoming show about Brave New Workshop founder Dudley Riggs? The show is written by BNW's very own Caleb McEwen, John Sweeney, and alum Dane Stauffer and is currently titled, "Dudley: Rigged for Laughter." Yet in keeping true to BNW tradition the show needs an "or" title - and you're being asked to supply it.

More info about the show will be coming soon. In the meantime, enter your title suggestions at before MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 2010!

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