Brave New Workshop

The Brave New Workshop will never be a place that sits still. That’s the nature of improvisation. Our brains are always working. Thinking about the next show, the next presentation or the next big thing. And as you can imagine, that means we’re always coming up with new stuff. Good stuff. Funny stuff. And that’s what you’ll find here: improvisation videos, photos, news and miscellaneous stuff—like a bust of John Sweeney made out of real cheese. Which we probably should have kept in a refrigerator…
25 Latest Articles

Improv Improves Sales Training

Improv Improves Sales Training Star Tribune article by Wendy Lee, Star Tribune, May 9, 2011 Major League Soccer hopes to train its next generation...

Brave New Workshop Buys Hennepin Stages from the City of Minneapolis

City Closes on Sale of Former Hennepin Stages Theater; Brave New Workshop Makes New Home on the Avenue April 29, 2011 (MINNEAPOLIS) – The City of M...

Four Types of Innovation from Blogging Innovation

The article linked below appeared on Blogging Innovation April 16. In it, author Jeffrey Baumgartner suggests there are four types of corporate innova...

BNW to participate in Carlson School of Management Women's Leadership Conference

The University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management will host the 7th Annual Women's Leadership Conference April 29 from 7:30am-4:30pm. The theme for this year's event is "Own Your Achievements; Embrace Your Success." The conference will include keynote addresses from Beth Leonard, CPA Managing Partner Lurie Besikof Lapidus; and Mary Brainerd, President and Chief Executive Officer of HealthPartners. Workshops and panel discussions will round out the day's events. The Brave New Workshop is pleased to participate by offering a one of a kind workshop for attendees. For more information and to register, visit

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