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Elena is featured on!

Our very own Elena Imaretska, VP of new products, partnerships, and sustainability, is profiled on the Star Tribune's website. Thanks to Tristan Pollock for recognizing how fortunate we are to have Elena getting it done in so many ways for the BNW!


Elena Imaretska isn't a worker bee. And she definitely isn't inspired by business as usual. Imaretska heads up the Creative Outreach office of Minneapolis' Brave New Workshop, the nation's oldest sketch and improv theater.

In a single day, one might find Imaretska changing the mindsets of Fortune 500 companies, planning unique leadership-based, comedy-centric curriculums, talking behavioral psychology at lunch and designing nonprofit events in the evening -- possibly for Project 824, an initiative designed to donate the use of Brave New Workshop's Experimental Thinking Centre free of charge 824 times over the coming years.

"Our hope is to provide a platform to energize the world-changing work happening all around us," explains Imaretska, a Bulgarian native.

Read the entire profile at


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