Brave New Medicine
Transformational Tools for the Modern ClinicianMay 8th & October 9th 2020 in Minneapolis, MN
Need more joy in your work?
Brave New Workshop and HealthPartners joined forces to bring you this unique day of learning because we know that improved communication, resiliency and empathy in clinicians leads not only to improved patient experience and outcomes, but also in increased job satisfaction and happiness in clinicians themselves. These soft skills are fundamental and easy to understand, but not necessarily easy to live on a daily basis. We have found that the practice of improvisation-based activities is an effective AND fun way to strengthen clinicians ability to thrive in the midst of uncertainty, recognize and address emotion, and communicate with patients in a caring and productive manner.
You will be guided by a team of practicing physicians from HealthPartners and behavior & innovation experts from the Brave New Workshop. This all-star team teaches, facilitates and inspires thousands of professionals and clinicians each year and are committed to creating a safe, appropriate and productive environment of learning, camaraderie and laughter.
of past attendees say as a result of this program they will be able to apply strategies to improve patient and clinician communcation skills
of past attendees rate the program as 'Excellent' or 'Good' on a 1-5 scale with 92% picking 'Excellent: Addressed gaps in knowledge and offered strategies I will apply'
What will you learn?
Caregivers want…
…to find meaning and joy in their work, however emotional exhaustion and the impact of burnout pose a real threat to their practice. They struggle with clinical uncertainty and often feel that the demands of modern medicine block them from connecting with their patients in the way they want to.
This full day training features the latest relevant knowledge in neuroscience and adult learning paired with the mindset and behavioral principles of improvisation to equip you with the tools to:
- Cope more effectively with the uncertainty inherent in the practice of medicine.
- Strengthen your communication skills to enhance patient experience and your own.
- Boost resilience, connection and joy in your work.
Ready to transform your practice?
Ankit Mehta, MD
Ankit loves medicine as its vastness remains a constant source of intellectual stimulation and excitement and because it provides him with the opportunity for extravagantly honest and meaningful encounters with people. Being a hospitalist is fast-paced work, and it makes him push himself to do his best. He has been appointed to the faculty of the University of Minnesota as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine, and selected as an Executive Member for the Society of Hospital Medicine Education Committee.
Brett Hendel-Peterson, MD
Brett enjoys providing all facets of care to inpatients at Regions Hospital, both as a general internist and as a member of the inpatient palliative care team, assisting with difficult conversations and helping to manage troublesome symptoms. In addition to clinical care, he teaches our next generation of physicians, working with medical students and resident physicians. His passion for global health shines in his work of co-directing the University of Minnesota/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Global Health Course.
Mary Fredrickson, MD
Mary chose hospital medicine because she enjoys the pace of the hospital setting. She loves getting to know patients and their families and helping them to navigate complex medical decisions. She understands that every individual and family is different. There is no “one size fits all” in medicine. Mary’s other passion is helping other physicians mitigate and reverse the impacts of burnout.
Elena Imaretska, MBA
Elena excels at engaging global audiences and uses her experience working and studying on three continents to illuminate the power of mindset and the behaviors that stem from it to drive successful communication and collaboration among people with differing views. Elena works with corporate, healthcare, government and business school audiences addressing innovation, communication, leadership and inclusion.
Jenni Lilledahl, Owner
Jenni draws on her expertise in non-profit leadership, entrepreneurship and the social and emotional side of healthcare to influence and inspire audiences. Jenni is a pioneer in utilizing improvisational techniques in personal development, healing and life transitions and brings powerful lessons and practices to education, healthcare, and HR professionals. She is the founder of Gilda’s Club Twin Cities and leads weekly sessions for patients and family members touched by cancer.
John Sweeney, Owner
John Sweeney doesn’t just understand human behavior; he has been changing human behavior within the biggest businesses in the world for 20 years. In addition to being trusted by the likes of Hilton Worldwide and Microsoft to spark tangible shifts in the performance of their leaders, and has had the honor to work with thousands of providers from numerous healthcare systems across the US. He has a passion for helping deliver healthcare to children across the globe and actively supports the Smile Network International with his philanthropic efforts.
8 AM Introductions, Framework and Warm Up
9:45 AM Break and Refreshments
10 AM ULEED (Uncertainty, Listening, Emotion, Empathy, Delivery of Information) Deep Dive Part 1
12 PM Lunch
12:45 PM ULEED Deep Dive Part 2
2 PM Burnout and Resilience
3 PM Action Planning
4 PM Wrap up and Happy Hour
This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
May 8th, 2020
Tier 1
Ends: 00/00/00Tier 3
Ends 00/00/00October 9th, 2020
Tier 1
End 00/00/00Tier 2
Ends: 00/00/00Tier 3
Ends 00/00/00Prices Increase DATE