Online Conversation:
Watch an interactive discussion with the creators of Brave New Medicine, practicing physicians from HealthPartners and the behavior & innovation experts from the Brave New Workshop. In this webcast, we share tips and tried-and-true practices to help you cope with the demands of the work and the uncertainty which surrounds us.

At the end of the webcast you can see two exercises which you can use with your teams and on your own.

Brave New Medicine…

…is a unique full-day training designed to help healthcare practice simple behaviors that lead to being in their best mindset. We have found that the practice of improvisation-based activities is an effective AND fun way to strengthen clinicians’ ability to thrive in the midst of uncertainty, recognize and address emotion, and communicate with patients in a caring and productive manner.

This full day training features the latest relevant knowledge in neuroscience and adult learning paired with the mindset and behavioral principles of improvisation to equip you with the tools to:

  • Cope more effectively with the uncertainty inherent in the practice of medicine.
  • Strengthen your communication skills to enhance patient experience and your own.
  • Boost resilience, connection and joy in your work.

Ready to transform your practice?