There are several ways to register for classes at the Brave New Institute:
  • Register NOW via email: Fill out the form below. Be sure to include a mailing address, all phone numbers we may use and an email (if you check it regularly). Also, if you are registering for our Adult Improvisation Program, please be sure to list a second choice class. Filling out this form completely and accurately will help us process your registration more quickly. When you are done filling out the form, click "post it" -- it will then be automatically emailed to us.
  • When we receive your email, we will contact you within 1 - 4 days to determine the type of deposit you will be making. You can make an immediate deposit over the phone via credit card when we contact you, or you may mail in or drop off a (cash, check or credit card) deposit. Your registration will become valid and your space will be reserved only after we have received your deposit. You may also feel free to call us when you've sent your email and pay immediately over the phone with our phone staff. (or)
  • Register via mail: Print this page (or use one of our fliers, if you have one) and mail it to us with your (check / money order / credit card) deposit to: BNI, 2605 Hennepin Ave So, Mpls., MN 55408 (or)
  • Register in person: Stop and see us at the BNW at 2605 Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis to register in person. Please call in advance to check hours (612) 332-6620.
    Register over the phone: Call us and register with our phone staff with a credit card at (612) 332-6620.
  • If at any time you have questions, feel free to call or email John Haynes(director) at the BNW. John can be reached at (612) 332-6620, x205 or
  • Deposits are non-refundable (unless a class is cancelled, or you are not accepted because a class is full).

Note: If registering for a JANE BRODY workshop: you must call Jane directly at 1-888-709-5263 or email her at Jane's Email

Note: If registering for Cheryl Moore Brinkley's classes: you must contact her through her website at

Click to return to the schedule page (listing of dates, deposit information, etc...)

Name of student Sex male female

Today's Date Date of birth Year


City State Zip

Phone (day) Phone (evening)


Parent/Guardian (if under 18)

In case of emergency contact (name/phone)

Are you a "BNW MEMBER?" (you would have signed up on our member page. periodically we offer member discounts...if you want to be a member, go to BNW Member Page and sign up now)

Please briefly describe your previous experience:

Please sign me up for the following classes:


Improvisation 1 Tuesdays, 7- 9:30 p.m. 8 weeks starting September 30, 2003

SECOND CHOICE: please type in a second choice if you are registering for the Adult Improvisation 1 Program. Your second choice should be a class that is taking place 'after' the class you are registering for, if possible. While in most cases we hope to be able to place you in your first choice class, sometimes the large amount of registrations for some classes or low registrations for others require us to rearrange the schedule. :

Click to return to the schedule page (listing of dates, deposit information, etc...)


Youth Summer Improv Camp Session 2 August 11-24, 2003

Teen Pizza Jam September 20, 2003

Jr. Pizza Jam September 20, 2003

Teen Pizza Jam October 18, 2003

Jr. Pizza Jam October 18, 2003

Teen Pizza Jam November 15, 2003

Jr. Pizza Jam November 15, 2003

Click to return to the schedule page (listing of dates, deposit information, etc...)


Please go to to get more information or to register for any of Cheryl Moore Brinkley's Classes

ACTING FUNDAMENTALS INTRO with Cheryl Moore Brinkley and Beth Chaplin

ACTING FUNDAMENTALS LEVEL ONE with Cheryl Moore Brinkley and Beth Chaplin

ACTING FUNDAMENTALS LEVEL TWO with Cheryl Moore Brinkley and Beth Chaplin


Actor's Business Class with Beth Chaplain - To register contact Neth at 952-926-0441 or

Please call Jane Brody directly at 1-888-709-5263 for more information or to register for her classes


ON-CAMERA with Jane Brody


Would you like to receive other information? If so, please select

IMPORTANT REGISTRATION INFORMATION: You will be receiving a call within 1- 4 days to verify your registration and to determine payment method (we accept check, cash, or for some classes, credit card). If we do not reach you directly, we'll leave a voice mail with instructions for calling us back to make a payment. Our phone staff can accept your payment. Your registration is completed and your place in class is held only after your deposit is received. Deposits are non-refundable (unless a class is cancelled, or you are not accepted because a class is full). After payment is received you are then pre-registered for your class(es) and you can sit tight until we make a final confirmation. The final confirmation will be made (via phone, mail or email) 2 - 10 days prior to the start of your class to confirm that your class will be held at the originally scheduled time / date. If you made a deposit for your class to hold your space, the remainder of your deposit will be due on the first day of class. A late fee will be charged for any full payments not made on/by the first day of each session. There is typically a minimum and maximum number of students for each class. The BNI reserves the right to cancel classes or rearrange the schedule if the minimum is not met. If your class is cancelled or the schedule must be rearranged, we will try to notify you at least 2 days prior to the original start date to make other arrangements. Thank you for your interest in attending the Brave New Institute. We look forward to improvising with you soon.

Click to return to the schedule page (listing of dates, deposit information, etc...)