Dudley Riggs is a fifth generation member of a distinguished show
business family, and has worked variously (since the age of 5) as
a circus aerialist, movie actor, vaudevillian, comedian, writer and
stage director.
Riggs has attended the University of Chicago, the University of Tulsa
at Oklahoma, the University of the Philippines in Manila, Mankato
State Teacher's College (teaching certificate) and the University
of Minnesota (Bachelor of Science with emphasis on Theater Education).
His continuing education includes being accepted into the Harvard
University Writing Program in 1996.
In addition to receiving a Kudo Award from the Twin Cities theater
critics, Riggs received the Urban Guerrilla Award and the Charlie
Award from the National Association of Comedy Arts. After selling
the Brave New Workshop in 1997, Dudley Riggs started his third career
as a writer. He is currently working on several books and movie screenplays.