youth programs are supported in part by the very generous gifts of the
Jerome S. and Grace H. Murray Foundation
to Contribute
Brave New Institute / Brave New Workshop is a non-profit arts organization.
We appreciate the kind support of the individuals and organizations listed!
Their gifts have allowed us to offer classes, educational programs and
performance opportunities to a vast number of students at reasonable prices
each year. If you would like to make a donation, call or email Jenni Lilledahl
(612) 377-8445, x212
also accept in-kind donations of goods and services. Currently on our
wish list of needs are:
- Carpeting and carpet
installation for one of our classrooms and lobby
- Slop sink and plumbing
services for our classroom area
- Old, used or new
Frames of various sizes for framing/mounting archive materials
- Fans for classrooms
- White board for
- Off site storage
space / unit
you would like to make a donation, call or email Jenni Lilledahl at:
(612) 377-8445, x212
Special thanks to the following people and organizations who have supported
the BNI through their generous contributions and services!
Major Donors
Jerome S. & Grace H. Murray Foundation
Star Tribune Foundation
Judy Olausen
California Closet Co.
Carlson MBA Association
NetRegulus, Inc.
Pat & Karen Proft
Individual Donors
Lynn Annis
Kerry and Margo Ashmore
Karie Bacon
George Bedeian
Roger Bell
Jacquie Berglund
Jill Bernard
Woody Bernas
Linda Bieza
Kristen Bina
Sue & Jim Bitney
Michelle Bolduc
David & Jeanine Bonn
Pauline & Scott Boyd
John & Melissa Brady
Jane & Walter Brody
Mackinzie J. Burns
Steve Cerkvenik & Ann
Kent & Mary Charron
Ron Clang
Gil Clary
Scott Clugston
Kelly Cochrane
Tim Connor
Jason Cook & Heather
Val Demulling
Debra Detlaff
Bill Dickman
Beth Disbrow
Kurt & Tammy Dorn
Mike & Shelley Early
Jackie Edman
Amanda Engquist
Patricia Ericson
Curt & Sandy Estum
Violet Farrell
Lisa & Stephen Filing
David & Jessica Findell
Denise Franck
R.C. Fransen & Family
Deborah Frethem
Judith Froemming
Jeff Gallo
Shelley Gartner
Betsey Giles
Cheryl Gill
Nora Gill
Charles & Maria Girsch
Steph Glazer
Greffen Jewelers
Jim Grisham
Julie Grover
Andrea Guilford
Rick Halloway
Robyn Hart
Tom Hauschild
John and Kristine Haynes
David & Ann Heffelbower
The Heffernan Family
Diana Hellerman
Gary Hestness
Joe & Teri Hetzel
Faith Hill
Patty Hogan
Rosie Hollon
Jamie Hopkins
Jeff Hopkins
Anne Hunter
Sue Hurley
Sherry Jimieson
Brett Johnson
Darlene Jones
Dean Jurek
Glenn Karwoski
Jennifer Katz
Tom, Kathy and Matt Keith
Bill Keller Sr.
Debbie & William Keller
Florence Keller
Pete Keller
James Kelly
Dana Kinde
Lynn Klesmit
Ralph & Nancy Knudson
Anne Margaret Kocurek
Stan Kolden & Glyn
Dan Kronzer & Susan
Connie Larson
Jamie Lee
Bud & Barb Lilledahl
Jeff & Cindy Linzer
Charles Lodge & Kathryn
Kevin & Norma Loney
Jolene Lukanen
Paul & Brenda Lukas
Gay Lyk
John & Priscilla MacDougall
Brad MacDonald
Sister Kristin Malloy
Paul Martinucci
Jim McComb
Dan & Melanie McGie
Caleb & Katy McEwen
Bobbie & Willis McIntyre
Sarah Mealy
Ann Meisner
Harold & Judy Melanson
Stacy Meredith
Tom Messervey
Lisa Miller & James Hardy
Liz Miller
Jacqueline S. Moore
Shirley A. Moore
Mary Shannon Mullowney
Bill Nelson
Lisa Neppl
Margaret Niemi
Sarah Nylander
Marnie OÕBrien
Michelle Olchefski
David Olson
Kevin Overson
Jim & Jill Pederson
James Peters
Gary D. Quam
Heather Radloff
Phil Rapport
Rodney & Kimberly Rassmussen
Stevie Ray's Theatre Co.
John F. Reynolds
Kit Reynolds & Mike
Lisa Reynolds
Lisa Roberts
Jim Robinson
Colleen Rowe
Mike & Barb Rummel
Ann Ryerson
Stuart Sanders
Bob & Ruth Schuchardt
Renee & Tim Scott
Barbara Shelton
Tom Sherohman
Shelia Simon
Nancy Sjoquist
Don Skrivseth
Laura Smith & Mike Scholz
Ingrid Soderberg
Kathy Sommer
Sons of Norway
St. Paul CVB
Mike Steigerwald & Linda
Diane G. Strobel
Pat & Marty Strub
Dan Sullivan
Wayne, Erik & Kelsey Svare
Moe Sweeney
Robert & Joan Sweeney
R.J. & Ann Sweeney
Ruth Sweeney
Tim & Ann Sweeney
Cheryl Takahashi
Tom Thieman
Tim Thompson
Brad Toll
Laurie Toussaint
Christina Tuohy
Linda Twis
Kim Vacanti
Audrey Voss
Wendy Wall
Cindy Wawrzyniak
Michael Warren
Christian Watson
Becky Weinberg
Wendy Wenk
Hanna Werner
Marian Sweeney Werth
Cheryle L. White
David Wier & Barb Wine
Jimmie Wright
Laura Zabel
Heather Zehring
Donors of Goods/Services
A440 Studios
Amy Bebensee
Amy Klausen Burge
Copy Cats Digital Media
Dave Clark
California Closet Co.
Rob Davis
Sandy & Curt Estum
Robyn Hart
Jan Hoistad
Pam Irgens
Bud Lilledahl
Mark Mahon
Marcus Muggli
Kelly Anne O'Brien
Patrick O'Brien
Deb Olson
Butch Roy
Jen Scott
Susan Spongberg
Ben Sunderlin
Corp. Donors of Goods
Adobe, Macromedia
James Page Brewing Co.
Symantec Corporation