Change Mindsets, Change Behaviors, Change outcomes.
For over 20 years, we’ve been harnessing the power of transformative laughter to deliver customized, human-focused solutions that activate audiences to change their mindset and behavior. Our authentic and unique approach focuses on practicing micro-behaviors that activate individual change. With plenty of laughter to make the shared experience memorable, and ongoing support and coaching, Brave New Workshop will help you move the needle for your events and teams.
Laugh. Learn. Repeat.
That’s the way it works. Whether it’s an interactive keynote, a deep-dive leadership workshop, or a train-the-trainer program, we utilize humor, empathy, storytelling, improvisation and world class instructional design to maximize our time together.
We design content to be 80% active practice, 20% learning and reflection, all delivered in a safe, supportive environment full of levity and humanness. Our approach helps learners absorb, retain, personalize and apply the learning right away, which in turn sticks with them for years to come.