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Sorry we can't make it to the 50th Celebration, but -- Congrats BNW!!!!!

There's a lot of love & incredible memories for the old BNW. I spent seven years & 15 shows at the Workshop and still use and cherish what I learned there: the sense of ensemble, pushing the envelope and knowing you can be smart and funny at the same time. Frickin' Hell! -- I wish Hollywood was more like that!

Best wishes to all!
-Peter Staloch & Judy Heneghan

Congratulations to everyone for keeping the spirit of satire alive. In these days, when everything seems to either satirize itself or be just too dire to even touch it without a trembling fist....it ain't easy. Some of my best times we're spent on that little stage, and running up and down the stairs (Gotta duck if you're tall like me! Ouch!) laughing over title sessions and writing and improvising and blissfully playing in the "group mind." A reminder: you know its time to take a break when you go backstage and place a mime prop in the prop "table."

Lots of love. All the best. Dudley lives!!!

-Dane Stauffer

I wish I could be there - but the writers' strike is over and I'm back at work with a vengeance. My best to all the alums and Dudley - and those who are running with the BNW torch.

-Peter Tolan

I tell anyone who inquires about my training of the Brave New Workshop and the incredible experience I had there...I tell them the BNW clicked on that light bulb over my head and it's been burning bright ever since. Congratulations and gays rule!
-Jimmy Lick (aka Jim Lichtscheidl)

My nine months at Dudley Riggs were the start of my professional theatrical career, which so far has lasted 30 years. It was hard work and a wonderful experience and I feel so grateful to have had it.
-Ann Ryerson